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 In Solar Buzz

The coalition’s goal of powering one million homes with solar energy is gaining traction in the Empire State, especially among members of the State Assembly.

By Tim Sylvia for PV Magazine

One million: a number which through usage and hyperbole has lost the presence of its size. A number so large that the word has become synonymous with large itself.

There are, according to most recent census data, 7,266,187 households in the state of New York. The Million Solar Strong Coalition, as well as a growing number of New York State Assembly members, are calling upon the state to power one million (14%) of these households with solar power by 2023. And the movement is gaining traction.

“I am proud to stand with The Million Solar Strong Campaign in building a resilient green economy that will create more clean energy in New York,” said Assembly Member Harvey Epstein, of the 74th district. “As we move towards more solar power in our state, it is important that we ensure cleaner energy is a possibility for all New Yorkers.

“Social justice and environmental justice are undeniably linked. The campaign’s work to increase access to renewable energy for low-income residents is invaluable because we can’t truly protect the environment unless we tackle social justice issues too.”

Read the rest of the article here.

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